Acacia M
4 min readDec 7, 2020


What we could learn from the Nonbinary

I’ve been looking at this topic for awhile, and honestly I’ m not mad at the idea that stems from it. I mean this whole concept that we are neither male nor female can be an ideology that we could all adopt in out daily lives, it could help us all achieve the goal towards eliminating gender biases, and I feel that heart and soul. But, personally, this is all I take from the movement. what I internalized about this idea is that we should all look at ourselves hardcore in the mirror, and appreciate who we are on both a feminine and masculine energetic level. We as a whole are neither male nor female, it is humanly impossible to identify with one energy since we are such multidimensional beings, I mean I can be just as “Left brained” as I can Be “Right brained” sometimes even without noticing, its just natural for humans to be this way. That is why I strongly support the matter, I mean men can paint their damn nails bright pink if it makes them happy, and Women can rock a fade if it makes them want to click their heels. And for those who associate this idea with sexuality, come on guys, that’s a low blow. Straight men and women are not defined by how they look, same for gay men and women I mean it is just an irrational way of thinking, and we need to stop raising our society to develop this mentality that the body you were born in, must match in accordance to the things we like to do. Like how are children are growing canvases and it is unfair to limit their creativity by ignoring the way they choose to express it, just because it makes YOU comfortable, (but that’s for another day). On the flip side of all of this, like I said, this is the main thing I love about the nonbinary community. What I get a little iffy about(Please don’t feel attacked, we are all entitled to our opinions, even you…) is the elimination of gender all together. when I say I agree with this movement, I more so am talking about Masculine and Feminine in energy and not in physical form. I STRONGLY believe that it is a-ok to celebrate what it means to be a man or women, being comfortable in you own skin, while also celebrating that this does not confined you to a certain way of acting. when we take gender away completely, I feel like we are doing ourselves a bit of harm by not feeling comfortable in our own beautiful bodies. I don’t feel like their is anything wrong with being called a man or a women, and not letting that define you based on societies definitions, but letting that empower you to embrace your own definition of what being a women or man means. Our genders shouldn’t be ignored, just redefined. If you don’t identify with masculine energy and you’re a man so it confuses about what you should call yourself, because according to society, your body doesn't match your energy, then I’d advise to express what being a MAN means to you. Yell at the top of your lungs and scream “I’m a Man, and I love, idk… wearing dresses!” yeah dude, I’m rooting for you. If you’re a women in a similar scenario, just say the same damn thing, “I’m a Women, and I looooove rocking freaking…suits and ties!” there you go! These things don’t make you less of a women or man, they make you more so because it. You don’t have to take away your gender for any reason, I feel like nonbinary people are apart of a change that we as humans are looking forward to becoming, but what good is that change, when we strip away a part of our identities in the process. Women don’t need to be men, Men don’t need to be women, because energetically, there is no right way to be either, but there is also no reason in disliking or ignoring a part of who your are based off of confusion that society has wrapped you around in. Embrace your womanly figure in whatever the hell you want to wear, embrace your manly muscles by being a nurturing caring dad. Or be a stay at home mother, and a working father Whatever being a man or woman feels and looks like to you, embrace it, switch the damn roles every now and then if you want to, just don’t be defined to them. Men can carry femininity, Women masculinity, so we should value our bodies, embrace the beauty of them and not hide or ignore them. Once we realize that, the rest becomes a little cute dance of what I like to call, evolution baby.



Acacia M

I am a becoming entrepreneur with a lot of opinions about basically everything, redefining what humans have made the norm, because there truly isn't one...